Our Faith Promise Missionaries
"Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." - Matthew 28:18-20
Eddy and Carrie Ramos
Global Outreach Missionemail: carrie.bea1982@yahoo.com; eddy.ramos1986@hotmail.com
website: missiongo.org/donate/missionaries/eddy-and-carrie-ramos-1
Eddy and Carrie Ramos are serving as missionaries in the Dominican Republic. Eddy is originally from the Dominican Republic. He gave his life to God when he was a teenager and has been serving the Lord in the church and the different areas of ministry he was called to ever since. In 2009, God sent Carrie on her first mission trip to the DR where, without her knowing, God had a great plan for her. In January 2010, she moved to the Dominican Republic to serve as a short-term missionary. After getting married, they chose to continue serving God together. They have been serving as a married couple under Global Outreach Mission in the Dominican Republic since August 2011.
After serving five years at a ministry school and three years with a ministry focused on discipleship, Eddy and Carrie are now following God’s call down a new path. At the beginning of 2018, they founded a children’s ministry “Ministerio Esperanza y Gozo” or “Hope and Joy Ministry” in a barrio in Santiago. The ministry is dedicated to bringing the hope and joy of Jesus to a community that is known for its poverty, crime, and violence. God has called Eddy and Carrie to work specifically with the children of this community; to show them that God truly loves them and to help them have a personal encounter with Jesus.
Eddy is also continuing his theological studies and is working towards his future goal of being a pastor. Their prayer is that God will bless their ministry to the children and that one day He may open the door to planting a church in that neighborhood.
If you would like to know more about them, their ministry, and how God is working in their lives you can follow along on Facebook (@hopeandjoyministry) and Instagram (@hopeandjoyministry). For their latest updates please Click Here.
Eric and Penny Schering
Pacific Island Ministriesemail: espsim@ncws.com
website: piministries.info
PIM, Private Mail Bag Services
P.O. Wewak, E.S.P.
Papua New Guinea
Rev Eric Schering is a graduate of Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI. He conducts courses for pastors, teachers and other leaders in Ambunti and in other cities in Papua New Guinea. His primary responsibilities continue to be training pastors and writing resource materials for pastors and other leaders. Some of the materials are written in English, some in Melanesian Pidgin, some in both. One of his most recent projects is Leadership for Melanesia, a book dealing with Biblical leadership principles designed for a Papua New Guinea context. Another recent book is Ten Hot Topics, which addresses issues of great relevance to the PNG culture, such as land disputes, spousal abuse, sorcery, etc. Eric also supervises the PIM Bible School and is involved in the administration of the PIM elementary schools. His spouse, Penny works with a team of ladies to foster spiritual development for the women in the hamlets around Ambunti.
For their latest newsletter, Click Here.
Guillermo and Shelley Hernandez
Pathway to Jesus Schoolemail: guille73shelley71@yahoo.com
website: pathwaytojesusschool.com
Illiana Christian High School
c/o Pathway to Jesus School |
10920 Calumet Avenue |
Dyer, IN 46311 |
In September 2003, the Pathway to Jesus School was founded by Guillermo and Shelley Hernandez. It was established to serve as a preschool/kindergarten for children ages 2-5 years old. The first year the school ministered to 18 students. However, the school grew so quickly it was decided to add a grade level each year and allow the school to minister to more children. Year by year, little by little, the school added more grade levels and received more students. There is such a great need for good, Christian education in the Dominican Republic; therefore, making this ministry very important.
These children come from lower class homes and a lot of them come from dysfunctional families. The majority of them are not from Christian homes so the school has a GREAT opportunity to share God´s love and God´s word with these students and their families and at the same time provide an excellent education.
Pathway to Jesus School (Colegio Caminito de Jesús) presently has a staff of 30 and approximately 260 students, preschool through 6th grade.
Guillermo and Shelley have 2 awesome children, Sarah and Mark, who are true blessings from God. Mark and Sarah are currently attending Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL. Mark plans to go into law enforcement and Sarah plans to go into elementary education.
To view Pathway to Jesus' Newsletters, Click Here.
Steve and Laura Persenaire
Mission Aviation Fellowship
email: spersenaire@maf.org
website : Mission Aviation Fellowship
address: P.O. Box 47, Nampa, ID 83653
Steve and Laura Persenaire have been with MAF since 2005. After serving for 17 years in Indonesia, they now work to bring in new missionary staff. As an MAF mobilizer, Steve is responsible for recruiting in the Southeast US region, traveling to colleges and universities as he walks alongside prospective MAF candidates. This is a vital role to the future of mission aviation as it’s so critical for our candidates to be prepared well for what they will face on the mission field. Steve’s many years of missionary aviation experience help him to be a good fit for this role.
Steve and Laura began their time with MAF serving in Kalimantan as an MAF pilot and mechanic, Steve flew routinely to a variety of jungle airstrips or water strips. Through the flying ministry, MAF was able to serve communities, support churches, and show compassion. During their time in Indonesia Steve also took on some leadership roles such as program manager, director of quality and eventually accountable manager.
Steve and Laura are encouraged by the following verse to continue serving the Lord wherever He calls them, to do whatever He calls them to do. 1 Corinthians 15:58 says, “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”
God calls the men and women of MAF to serve Him in unique ways. He may also be calling you to a special role in the Persenaires’ ministry. Please prayerfully consider becoming a Ministry Partner with them through prayer and/or financial support. For their newsletter please Click Here.
Mike and Pretty VanProoyen
Word of Life Indo-Pacific
email: michaelvanprooyen@wol.org
website: https://give.wol.org/michaelvanprooyen
"We are Mike and Pretty VanProoyen, missionaries with Word of Life Fellowship. For the Past 17 years, we have served with Word of Life in this part of the world. God allowed Mike to serve as the Field Director for Philippines for 7 years and now for almost 3 years as the director of the entire region of the Indo-Pacific. This region consists of more than 40 countries with 12 of them having full-time missionary teams. In total there are more than 250 Word of Life missionaries reaching this part of the world.
More than half of the world’s population call the Indo-Pacific home. The most unreached people groups in the world are within this region and in the 10/40 window. It is our desire to begin Word of Life ministries in 12 more countries by 2030.
Word of Life ministries are strategically located all across the region to come alongside local churches to help them reach their communities (and beyond) for Christ. It is our desire to mobilize young people to get out and reach their friends for Christ. Through Bible Institutes, Camps, Evangelistic events and working with Youth Ministries, we are seeing young people become bold in their faith.
We want to see every student everywhere reaching their friends for Christ. Also, we want to see every student everywhere growing in their walk with God." For more information please Click Here.